years running
states served
How WE Can Help You
We work with organizations to provide a specific area of expertise when it comes to supporting Deaf and Hard of Hearing clients or the case workers serving them. As certified Community Work Incentives Coordinators, we are available to directly serve clients or support caseworkers of Employment Networks (ENs), nonprofits & Vocational Rehabilitation agencies.
We provide workshops on a variety of topics such as: SSI recipients and employment, SSDI and employment, Concurrent Beneficiaries: SSI & SSDI, SSDI & Social Security Early Retirement, and SSDI & Overpayments: How to Resolve them. Workshops also can be customized. Please contact us to learn more.
We also offer training for non profit organizations and organizations that serve the Deaf and Hard of Hearing with regard to their Social Security benefits issues. For instance, a caseworker may be approached by a Deaf person asking for help with their Social Security benefits and may not know how to best support them with their Social Security issues and need basic training.